ACT American College Testing

Test Preparation for ACT

American College Testing (ACT) is one of the standardized test for high school achievement and college admission in the US (other is SAT). International students looking to attend US undergraduate schools need to take either the ACT or the SAT.

ACT tests student’s ability based on English, Math, Reading, Science, Writing sections. ACT can be taken 12 times with time and date limitations.

ACT Exam Structure

The ACT consists of 4 tests (English, Math, Reading, Science) and an optional Writing test (essay). The duration of the ACT is 2 hours 55 minutes without the essay, and 3 hours 35 minutes with the essay. A short break is provided after the second test. The second break is after the fourth test and, of course, applicable only if you are taking the optional Writing test.

In the USA and Canada, the ACT is usually taken as a paper-and-pencil exam. In other countries, the ACT is now

Test Number of questions Time limit
English 75 multiple-choice questions 45 minutes
Math 60 multiple-choice questions 60 minutes
Reading 40 multiple-choice questions 35 minutes
Science 40 multiple-choice questions 35 minutes
Writing (optional) 1 essay 40 minutes

Other Details

Registration Online
Frequency of Test September, October, December, April, June.
Score Validity 5 Years
Free Score Reporting There is a provision of reporting your ACT test scores to a maximum of four universities of your choice, the cost of which is built into the ACT test fee you pay

How We Help ??

Customized 2.5 months of comprehensive program to master every concept of ACT.
Latest and sufficient study material with additional classwork assignment sheets.
Experienced Faculty
Test series on each topic of English and Math
5 Paper based mock tests
Applications and visa assistance for admissions to Undergraduate Schools in the US

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